Sunday, September 21, 2008

What's to come...


This is my soapbox, so tonight I am going to stand on it....

The biggest thing on my mind right now, other than all the things about work that I am constantly thinking about, is what is going to be decided in the next few months.

First and foremost who's going to be the leader of this country? Now, I do not put stock fully in what any politician thinks. I am too pragmatic too think that all their promises are real. What I do put faith in is that one of these men is going to have the opportunity to make change to a system that is becoming consistently more detached from the reality of most people’s lives. I am really upset at the events that have occurred over the past few weeks and how each and every moment the staggering debt and responsibility my generation is inheriting from the greed and mismanagement of major institutions.

Now, I want to buy a house some day, I want to be able to buy my two-seater sports car and I want to know that one day when I give up working (hahaha) that I won't have to worry that everything I worked for is gone. I am tired of hearing that "Joe Blow" at Such-and-such Bank just screwed every employee and every stakeholder and then while everyone headed out into a hostile and challenging world with no job, they got to leave with millions of dollars for essentially screwing up and not doing their job. I don't know about others, but if I completely screw up my job, I get a boot in the ass and a final paycheck and a "don't let the door hit you on the way out." This is what needs to change.

I want to see someone change the fact that all we do is consume crap. Where's the leadership in saying "Look around. We have a beautiful country and we should make sure that the generations to follow have it to look at!"

I want to see someone change the fact that we are still fighting a war with people we don't understand. Ask the powers-that-be right now and I am sure they couldn't tell you much about who the people we are fighting right now are. We just call them terrorists or insurgents and we feel right about the billions-a-month we are spending.

But most of all I just want somebody around that understands that a passion for our country does not just come from people singing "God Bless America" or flying flags off the back of their trucks. Passion for this country means I care enough to want to follow what's happening and be proud that someone intelligent and capable is leading by example. Perhaps this is a pipedream but that's what most hope is anyway and there's not a damn thing wrong with that.

OK... soapbox stowed back away.

To quote Murrow...."Good Night, and Good Luck."

1 comment:

jess said...

Go to my blog, bitch! You've been tagged!